The Internet Stories

The Internet of things has long been on the rise. But in 2013 , rose in importance , with the launch of several devices whose functions have been complemented by online connectivity . These devices have been directed towards the manufacture of everything from toys to your home more accessible and useful .

Newcomers this year include phone, that connects to your car 's computer and sends data to your smartphone to provide a picture of how efficiently you drive . Nest Smart Thermostat after a smoke detector and carbon monoxide called Nido protect gives more detailed information than conventional detectors on the location and type of emergency information detection . Meanwhile, the research laboratory of the things Microsoft software can simplify monitoring , automation and control of all types of "smart" appliances in your home.

Adjust Comics : From top to bottom are the last three monitoring bracelets Fitness wirelessly synchronize with your smartphone Jawbone Up 24 , the Nike + FuelBand SE, and Fitbit Force.

We also saw a new wave of portable Internet-connected devices : smart watches as the speed of the Samsung Galaxy , and fitness equipment such as monitoring Jawbone Up 24 works with phones purchase additional features such as ability to receive we call and emails. According to Gartner, 900 million connected devices were in use in 2009 ( excluding smartphones , PCs and tablets) , but in 2020 the market research firm expects that this figure will reach 26 billion .

This rapid growth could lead to compatibility problems, as " smart" devices from different manufacturers often follow different rules for data transmission that why can not connect to a "smart" coffee and wait coӧrdinate with its " smart" toaster. In December, a new industry group called the Alliance AllSeen emerged . The group will work to ensure the development of Internet-connected devices that can work together . Members include Linux , LG , Panasonic , Qualcomm, Sharp and HTC Foundation.

The rise of the Internet of Things a new era of security issues more emphasis this year were also inaugurated. At the annual Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas in July, security researchers David Bryan and Daniel Crowley argued that they had discovered several defects in fixtures such as toilets smartphone playing music controlled .

Another key trend on the Internet this year : the rise of the messages disappear quickly after a phenomenon popularized by Snapchat application that allows users to share video or image messages that will self-destruct in a few seconds was consulted. Spread Snapchat indicates that although we share many details on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter , which are cataloged for posterity , there is always a desire of digital media that has a short shelf life. Snapchat was founded in 2011 by two Stanford students , but this year was really off . Last December , users share 50 million copies per day , a figure that is now the north of 400 million.

A handful of other companies are trying to capitalize on the trend, including Wickr , Gryphn and Blink .

However, Twitter continues to grow in popularity and importance. In November, the shares of the company went public with a first , it was much softer than Facebook in 2012. This could help the dreams of IPO in 2014 to host other major social Internet companies such as Pinterest, and one day, Snapchat.http :/ / -in - Internet - stories /

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